Why is good attendance important?
Good attendance gives your child every chance of success and helps develops skills for life. Every child has the right to a fulltime education.
Missing school regularly can and does have an effect on their progress and confidence to try new things.
It is well known that good school attendance affects a child’s success in learning and helps to fulfil their potential and give a chance of a better future.
Everyday your child is absent from school is an opportunity missed. As a school and a parent we have a shared responsibility to ensure that your child attends school regularly.
At Mallard Primary School the doors open at 8:40am with registration at 8.55am. The school gates will be closed at 8:50am, which means if your child is late that day they must report to the main office to sign them in.
Registration closes at 9:00am. If your child arrives after this time they will receive a late mark that shows them to be present at school. However if your child arrives in school after 9.30am they will receive an unauthorised absence for the morning session. This is in accordance with Regulations. This code is a U. This may mean that you could face the possibility of a Penalty Notice if the problem persists.
Traffic Light System
At Mallard Primary School we use a traffic light system to inform parents of their child’s attendance. Attendance information is sent out to parents each term
Attendance at 96% or above = Green (safety zone) The government standard for good attendance is 96% or above.
Attendance between 90.1% and 95.9% = Amber (At risk zone) This is considered to be the “at risk zone”. If you are in the amber please be aware that your child’s attendance is below the standard set by the government. As a school, we will closely monitor your child’s attendance and may discuss your child’s attendance with the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer. If you need support with your child’s attendance, please contact the school.
Attendance below 90% = Red (Danger zone) If your child’s attendance falls below 90% your child’s attendance will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer. Your child’s attendance will be closely monitored along with any absences. As a school we will ask you to enter a parenting contract. If there is no improvement in your child’s attendance the Local Authority will take further action.