Maths – Curriculum Information

Maths at Mallard:

On this page you will find out more about what we teach in maths across school and how we teach it. The documents below show an overview of the objectives that are taught in each year group in maths.


  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.
  • Develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly.
  • To reason and problem solve by applying mathematics to a variety of increasingly complex problems.
  • To build upon children’s knowledge and understanding from Reception to year 6.
  • To develop resilience that enables all children to reason and problem solve with increased confidence.


• We teach maths units provided by the White Rose Maths Hub and make/source other resources that are suitable for the objectives. We ensure that in our maths lessons children have opportunities to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving and emphasise the importance of using concrete resources to help children really understand concepts.


  • Most children reach end of year expectations.
  • Well-planned sequences of learning support children to develop and refine their maths skills.
  • Children are able to independently apply their knowledge to a range of increasingly complex problems.
  • Children are able to reason with increased confidence and accuracy.

Times Tables:

Knowing times table facts and how they work is a fundamental part of Mathematics. They link into many areas of Maths and are essential knowledge to success in later stages of education. The National Curriculum sets out that pupils should know all times tables up to 12 x 12 including inverse division facts by the end of year 4.

  • Year 1 – End of year expectations to know 1, 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
  • Year 2 – End of year expectations to know 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables including division facts.
  • Year 3 – End of year expectations to know 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables including division facts.
  • Year 4 – End of year expectations to recall and use all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12.
  • Year 5 – End of year expectations to recall and use all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12.
  • Year 6 – End of year expectations to recall and use all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12.

Maths Scheme of Learning and Parent Information:

Please click on the links below. This will enable you to see the schemes of learning for your child/children. It will also give some guidance and ideas of what you can do at home with your child/children.

1. Click on the link.

2. Select you child’s year group (New Scheme).

3. Then select the term.

4. View the block of work to see the scheme and types of questions they do in school.

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‘I love maths and PE sessions because the teachers make them enjoyable.’

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‘Mallard Primary School offers a lot of learning opportunities. The teachers are always there to help when there is a student in need.’

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‘In our school, there are great teachers, great lessons and great dinner options.’

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‘This is an amazing school: really kind and caring teachers; amazing learning opportunities; lots of help if you neeedd it! There is a range of topics to learn, which are taught to you in fun and easy ways. Mallard Primary School is a really good option for anyone looking for a new school.’

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‘Explanations are clear and easy to understand. If your child attends this school, you are giving them the best chance. Mallard has given me everything I need to prepare me for my secondary years.’

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‘Mallard Primary School is a great school with plenty of opportunities. The staff are always keeping a close eye on the children to make them safe.’

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‘Mallard Primary School is the school to choose because the teachers make learning fun (as possible). Additonally, you have many opportunities like signing up for Pupil Parliament, and a range of after-school clubs.’

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