Online Safety

Online safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Mallard Primary School . We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any online safety incidents are recorded and managed. Online safety is taught to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.

We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the Online Safety message is consistent. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.

Just as we want to keep our children safe in the ‘real’ offline world, we want to do the same in the virtual online world. It is important that we understand enough about the Internet to keep our children safe from harm but it is equally important that we equip our children with the skills they need to keep themselves safe
so they can experience the Internet positively and responsibly.

E-Safety Tips for Parents is a not-for-profit organisation that has a simple purpose – to help keep children safe in the digital world.

Organisations and websites offering further information and support for online safety:

Play Like Share –

Play Like Share follows the adventures of Sam, Ellie and Alfie as they form a band and enter their school’s Battle of the Bands contest, taking on the mean but ‘cool’ Popcorn Wizards as they go. The three friends learn that while the internet can help, they need to use it wisely and safely.

The aim of the films is to help 8-10 year olds learn how to stay safe online. In particular, the films teach them to spot the early signs of manipulative, pressurising and threatening behaviour by people they might meet online, and develops their confidence to respond safely and get help.

Be Share Aware –
Keep your child safe online

We tell our children it’s good to share – but online it’s different. In fact sometimes sharing online can be dangerous. Being Share Aware will help keep your child safe online.

Watch and share a short film and take a look at some straightforward advice that will untangle the web, and give parents confidence in talking to their children about how to stay safe online.

‘The tasty, nutritious meals are the best part.’

Pupil comments

‘Mallard Primary School is the school to choose because the teachers make learning fun (as possible). Additonally, you have many opportunities like signing up for Pupil Parliament, and a range of after-school clubs.’

Pupil comments

‘In our school, the teachers are really great at teaching every subject across the curriculum. The dinner options are a bonus too!’

Pupil comments

‘Explanations are clear and easy to understand. If your child attends this school, you are giving them the best chance. Mallard has given me everything I need to prepare me for my secondary years.’

Pupil comments

‘School dinners are brilliant, and the kitchen staff are even nicer!’

Pupil comments

‘Our school has many positive aspects. The behaviour is outstanding; play-time includes a variety of activities; teachers in the school community offer help and support. This school shows how everyone is treated fairly, equally and this is why I come here!’

Pupil comments

‘I like using the DT equipment like the wood cutting saws.’

Pupil comments

‘Mallard Primary School offers a lot of learning opportunities. The teachers are always there to help when there is a student in need.’

Pupil comments

‘This is an amazing school: really kind and caring teachers; amazing learning opportunities; lots of help if you neeedd it! There is a range of topics to learn, which are taught to you in fun and easy ways. Mallard Primary School is a really good option for anyone looking for a new school.’

Pupil comments

‘Mallard Primary School is a great school with plenty of opportunities. The staff are always keeping a close eye on the children to make them safe.’

Pupil comments

‘Our school is a great place to learn. Everyone in the school is amazing, kind and caring.’

Pupil comments

‘I love the science sessions because of the practical investigations.’

Pupil comments

‘I love maths and PE sessions because the teachers make them enjoyable.’

Pupil comments

‘In our school, there are great teachers, great lessons and great dinner options.’

Pupil comments

‘All lessons come with full explanations, and the teachers and support staff are there to help and answer any questions.’

Pupil comments

‘I can’t wait for the Year 6 residential trip. I am so excited for this experience!’

Pupil comments